What our country has become

An officer in El Cajon was shot by a shooter who shot his one year old daughter and his Mother in-law. During the shot out an officer was shot in the trough by the suspect.  As he ran from the suspect another officer went to help. There was only a handful of officer so one pedestrian went and helped the fallen officer until the other officers were able to put the fallen officer in an police car to take him to a hospital. The author of the article wanted us to think that it's not always the officers fault. What do we do about this situation. Just let it happen or take a stand against the violence. We should be like the gentleman who helped the fallen officer until someone was able to get him out of the gun fire. THis is also happening to soldiers. They go to a restaurant and someone charges them not understanding that they fought for our country. They protect our right to free speech. So why take our anger on them when they are helping us. Are people today just that stubborn that they think they can protect themselves and they don't need help. We should honor those who have fought for our rights.


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