Senior High school in Billings Montana does have a jazz dance

Senior Does Have a Jazz Dance

If you are looking for something interesting to do after school, come and support your Senior Bronc Jazz band. Anyone who loves jazz should also cheer on the jazz dance on April 7, 2017. The event takes place in the old gym. The price for the dance is $5 for students and $10 for adults. The time is 6pm to 10 pm.
When asked what the price of the dance is, Corbin Bodine laughed as he said “I get in free ,so I don't really know.”
The students who play in the jazz bands at Senior High get together and practice after school for about an hour. The musicians who play in jazz band is entirely out of volunteers on the students who are in band. The jazz band only meets once a week, but they can put a music composition together in about two months. They have to bring their instruments home the rest of the time so that they don't start in the same place each week. When they get together each week they work on more that just what they worked on the past week. They will continue to work hard on the music until the day that they are going to perform it for the audiences.  Corbin always enjoys playing at the dance and mentioned that “It is always fun to perform.”
Both jazz band one and two will be performing for you with Mr.Long conducting the music. “Sometimes Mr.Long let's us go wild,” claimed Corbin. When Corbin says Mr.long sometimes let's us go wild. He means that Mr.Long will stop conducting and let the bands go without a conductor.The jazz band will be wearing concert attire and “the boys will be wearing a tux and all,” Corbin explained. The girls will be wearing black and white. Either a dress or dress pants and a nice shirt. They will be just as fancy as if they were in the auditorium putting on a concert for our parents to see, instead they are playing music for the students who are going to go to the dances.

He would like to to see more students coming to the jazz dances. “Come to the jazz dance and support the band!” Corbin encouraged.


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