Are Cellphones Really Distracting in Schools

Almost every student at Senior High has a cell phone. Many teachers have a no cell phone policy in their class, but other teaches will allow the students to have their phones on during the class or at directed points of time. The teachers who allow you to have your phones on during class trust that the students won't be on social media texting their friends during class. We have  many different students, but we have two categories when it comes to phones: those who use their device appropriately and those who don't.
Many students check their phones often during classes and very few of us will ignore our phones during the school day. One of those students who will ignore their phone  is Senior Chet Kirby. He is really good at following the policy and only using his phones when he is allowed to. “I only check my phone about one time during a class. I mainly check my phone between passing periods and before class starts,” Kirby claims.
One of  the students who  almost completely opposes a no cell phone in a class is Senior Christian Fite. “I actually never check my phone during class, [but] I will check my phone if I get a notification,” claimed Fite.  Many students get very distracted by their phones buzzing or a teacher turns their back on the students, enabling the students to now have the chance to look at their phones while the teacher is writing on the board or helping other students. Fite describes “that your brain is not totally focused on your class or on your teacher when your phone keeps buzzing because your friends keep Snapchatting you.”
When most students forget their phone at home or in another class, they get anxiety. Kirby said,  “I don't really get anxiety when I don't have my phone with me.” On the other hand Fite gets anxiety because his phone is not around him. “I need my phone just incase I have an emergency, so when I don't have my phone it causes me to  worry because if something happened to me I won't have my phone to contact anyone,” explained Fite.
Both Fite and Kirby stay pretty focused in class that their phones don't really distract them in any away. There are many students who “can not live without their phones,” Fite explained “ Your phone can be distracting because someone could text you causing you to lose focus. You may also lose focus just by looking at you phone because you may want to check Facebook or the latest Snapchat.”
In conclusion, some teachers have the no cell phone policy because they want you to stayed focused on you schooling which is in you interest if you want a high education. Put down your phones and have a good day messing around with your pals or  learning.


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